

قوانين منتديات أحلى قلب

قوانين خاصة بالتسجيل
  • [ يمنع ] التسجيل بأسماء مخلة للآداب أو مخالفة للدين الإسلامي أو مكررة أو لشخصيات معروفة.
  • [ يمنع ] وضع صور النساء والصور الشخصية وإن كانت في تصاميم أو عروض فلاش.
  • [ يمنع ] وضع روابط لايميلات الأعضاء.
  • [ يمنع ] وضع أرقام الهواتف والجوالات.
  • [ يمنع ] وضع روابط الأغاني أو الموسيقى في المنتدى .
  • [ يمنع ] التجريح في المواضيع أو الردود لأي عضو ولو كان لغرض المزح.
  • [ يمنع ] كتابة إي كلمات غير لائقة ومخلة للآداب.
  • [ يمنع ] نشر عناوين أو وصلات وروابط لمواقع فاضحة أو صور أو رسائل خاصة لا تتناسب مــع الآداب العامة.
  • [ يمنع ] الإعــلان في المنتدى عن أي منتج أو موقع دون الرجوع للإدارة.

شروط المشاركة
  • [ تنويه ]الإلتزام بتعاليم الشريعة الاسلامية ومنهج "اهل السنة والجماعة" في جميع مواضيع المنتدى وعلى جميع الإخوة أن يتقوا الله فيما يكتبون متذكرين قول المولى عز وجل ( ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد)
    وأن يكون هدف الجميع هو قول الله سبحانه وتعالى (إن أريد إلا الإصلاح ما استطعت).
  • [ يمنع ] الكتابة عما حرم الله عز وجل وسنة النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم .
  • [ يمنع ] التعرض لكل ما يسىء للديانات السماوية أي كانت أو ما يسيء لسياسات الدول .
  • [ يمنع ] عرض الإيميلات في المواضيع والردود .
  • [ يمنع ] التدخل في شؤون إدارة الموقع سواء في قراراتها أو صلاحيتها أو طريقة سياستها .
  • [ يمنع ] الإستهزاء بالمشرفين أو الإدارة بمجملها .
  • [ يمنع ] التعرض لأي شخص بالإهانة أو الإيذاء أو التشهير أو كتابة ما يتعارض مع القوانين المتعارف عليها .
  • [ يمنع ] التسجيل في المنتديات لهدف طرح إعلانات لمواقع أو منتديات أخرى .
  • [ يمنع ] طرح أي شكوى ضد أي مشرف أو عضو علناً ، و في حال كان لا بد من الشكوى .. راسل المدير العام من خلال رسالة خاصة .
  • [ يمنع ] استخدام الرسائل الخاصة لتبادل الكلام المخل للآداب مثل طلب التعارف بين الشباب و الفتيات أو الغزل وإن إكتشفت الإدارة مثل هذه الرسائل سوف يتم إيقاف عضوية كل من المُرسِل والمُرسَل إليه ما لم يتم إبلاغ المدير العام من قبل المُرسَل إليه والرسائل الخاصة وضعت للفائدة فقط .
  • [ يجب ] احترام الرأي الآخر وعدم التهجم على الأعضاء بأسلوب غير لائق.
  • عند كتابة موضوع جديد يرجى الابتعاد عن الرموز والمد الغير ضروري مثل اأآإزيــــآء هنـــديـــه كـــيـــوووت ~ يجب أن تكون أزياء هندية كيوت
  • يرجى عند نقل موضوع من منتدى آخر تغيير صيغة العنوان وتغيير محتوى الأسطر الأولى من الموضوع

ضوابط استخدام التواقيع
  • [ يمنع ] وضع الموسيقى والأغاني أو أي ملفات صوتية مثل ملفات الفلاش أو أي صور لا تتناسب مع الذوق العام.
  • [ يجب ] أن تراعي حجم التوقيع , العرض لا يتجاوز 550 بكسل والارتفاع لا يتجاوز 500 بكسل .
  • [ يمنع ] أن لا يحتوي التوقيع على صورة شخصية أو رقم جوال أو تلفون أو عناوين بريدية أو عناوين مواقع ومنتديات.
  • [ يمنع ] منعاً باتاً إستخدام الصور السياسية بالتواقيع , ومن يقوم بإضافة توقيع لشخصية سياسية سيتم حذف التوقيع من قبل الإدارة للمرة الأولى وإذا تمت إعادته مرة أخرى سيتم طرد العضو من المنتدى .

الصورة الرمزية للأعضاء
  • [ يمنع ] صور النساء المخلة بالأدب .
  • [ يمنع ] الصور الشخصية .

مراقبة المشاركات
  • [ يحق ] للمشرف التعديل على أي موضوع مخالف .
  • [ يحق ] للمشرف نقل أي موضوع إلى قسم أخر يُعنى به الموضوع .
  • [ يحق ] للإداريين نقل أي موضوع من منتدى ليس من إشرافه لأي منتدى أخر إن كان المشرف المختص متغيب .
  • [ يحق ] للمشرف حذف أي موضوع ( بنقلة للأرشيف ) دون الرجوع لصاحب الموضوع إن كان الموضوع مخالف كلياً لقوانين المنتدى .
  • [ يحق ] للمشرف إنـذار أي عضو مخالف وإن تكررت الإنذارات يخاطب المدير العام لعمل اللازم .

ملاحظات عامة
  • [ يمنع ] كتابة مواضيع تختص بالوداع أو ترك المنتدى وعلى من يرغب في ذلك مخاطبة الإدارة وإبداء الأسباب.
  • [ تنويه ] يحق للمدير العام التعديل على كل القوانين في أي وقت.
  • [ تنويه ] يحق للمدير العام إستثناء بعض الحالات الواجب طردها من المنتدى .

تم التحديث بتاريخ 19\09\2010
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TTC Video - Meteorology - An Introduction to the Wonders of the Weather [24 Video Lectures (AVI) + 1...

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  • TTC Video - Meteorology - An Introduction to the Wonders of the Weather [24 Video Lectures (AVI) + 1...

    TTC Video - Meteorology - An Introduction to the Wonders of the Weather [24 Video Lectures (AVI) + 1 Guidebook (JPEG) ]
    English | Size: 1.68 GB

    Product Description

    Famed physicist Richard Feynman once said, "Anyone who has been in a thunderstorm has enjoyed it, or has been frightened by it, or at least has had some emotion. And in those places in nature where we get an emotion, we find there is generally a corresponding complexity and mystery about it."

    In the world of weather, you don't have to look far for that complexity, that mystery, or that heart-pounding emotion.

    Consider, for example, the rushing Santa Ana winds that sweep into the Los Angeles basin with startling force. They descend from the cold heights of the mountains, yet they are dry and hot as any desert, bringing with them the smell of fire and parched summer days. What drives these powerful winds, and what is the source of their searing heat?

    Or imagine that symbol of fierce prairie weather, the tornado. How do these intense swirling winds acquire their spin? And why do we find these twisting winds in the flat lands of the Midwest, but in few other places?

    Pursuing the answers to questions like these is more than just an interesting intellectual exercise. Weather affects our lives each and every day, often determining where we can go and what we can do. But meteorologyâ€"the study of weatherâ€"is also a grand puzzle. From the swirling winds to the transformation of water vapor into clouds, each meteorological event is a tremendously complex interaction of forces and factors. To grasp the mystery of these phenomena is to understand a remarkably complex system and, ultimately, to gain a glimpse into the way all complex systems work.

    In Meteorology: An Introduction to the Wonders of the Weather, you embark on a fascinating foray into this complex and enthralling field of study. In 24 engaging lectures, you explore the often surprising, always intriguing workings of the weather, guided by expert atmospheric scientist and Professor Robert G. Fovell. Bringing together geography, chemistry, physics, and other scientific disciplines, the study of weather offers insights into the world around you while also providing an opportunity to grasp the complex interactions that make up our world's climate.

    A Complex Subject Made Accessible

    Why is it often cooler by the shore than it is inland? Why are there deserts in some regions and rainforests in others? What makes the sky blue, clouds white, and the setting sun red?

    With Professor Fovell's guidance, you'll probe the reasons behind everyday phenomena and gain a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic relationships and physical laws that shape our planet's climate. Professor Fovell takes a practical approach to weather, providing explanations that draw on common sense and everyday experience to make intricate interactions clear and accessible.

    The course opens with a series of lectures that introduce the fundamental concepts of meteorology:

    * the structure of the atmosphere
    * the physics of gases, liquids, and solids
    * the impact of the Earth's shape and movement on weather
    * the factors that drive winds and affect the ability of air to hold moisture
    * the effect of solar radiation on the Earth and its atmosphere
    * the processes that create clouds

    In later lectures, you build on these fundamental concepts to develop a full understanding of large-scale weather events, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, and global climate patterns.

    Along the way, Professor Fovell brings these concepts to life with concrete demonstrations, illustrative examples, and compelling videos and images. With each explanation, Professor Fovell describes these complicated phenomena in down-to-earth, easy-to-understand terms to create an accessible picture of the Earth's weather.

    Probing Weather's Mysteries

    As you build your knowledge of how weather works, you'll delve into remarkable meteorological phenomena that offer a window into the mysterious force of nature. With Professor Fovell's lucid commentary, you'll grow to appreciate the complex patterns that create the weather around us.

    You'll learn, for example, how hurricanes are the result of complex but comprehensible forces that can be mapped, studied, and understood. The extreme weather of El Ni?±o, the towering swirl of the cyclone, the crash of thunder that follows the lightningâ€"each mystery is unveiled as you investigate the science behind these remarkable phenomena.

    You'll also encounter a treasure trove of intriguing and often surprising facts and insights, including these fascinating tidbits:

    * To the casual observer, lightning appears to be one quick stroke from cloud to ground, but a typical lightning stroke actually has four partsâ€"two strokes down, two upâ€"and the upward strokes pack the biggest punch.

    * Our perception of "dry" and "moist" does not reflect the actual amount of moisture in the air. There may be more water vapor contained in the air on a hot, dry, early summer day in Death Valley than on a cold, foggy, winter day in Minnesota.

    * Although the build-up of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere could have deleterious effects on the world's climate, if the atmosphere contained no greenhouse gases, the Earth's surface would likely be frozen everywhere, including in the tropics.

    * One of the most influential impacts on the weather is that seething reservoir of energy, the ocean. Because of the ocean's movement, waters off the coast of California are much cooler than those at the same latitude off the coast of Asia.

    An Intriguing Glimpse into the Meteorologist's Art

    With so many forces interacting, how do meteorologists make sense of the weather happening around us? How do they comprehend these patterns on a regional and global level? And how do they use their knowledge to forecast tomorrow's weather?

    Professor Fovell sheds light on the art and science of meteorology, describing the tools scientists use to explain and predict the weather. You'll examine weather maps to see how meteorologists create a picture of conditions at any given moment and learn about advanced computer models that allow scientists to forecast how storms may develop over time. As you explore the meteorologist's art, you'll gain a deep appreciation for the fascinating work done to try to explicate the ongoing mystery of the world's weather.

    You'll find no better guide than Dr. Fovell. An experienced instructor and noted meteorological researcher, Professor Fovell provides a comprehensive introduction to this fascinating field. Using everyday examples, vivid demonstrations, and visual aids, Professor Fovell conveys his excitement about the intriguing puzzle of the natural world while making this complex topic accessible to all viewers.

    Join Professor Fovell as he explicates one of nature's most compelling mysteries. Guided by his expertise, you'll never look at the weather in the same way again.

    About Your Professor

    Dr. Robert G. Fovell is Professor of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he serves as cofounder and cochair of the Interdepartmental Program in Mathematics/Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. He received his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Illinois at Urbanaâ€"Champaign.

    A committed classroom teacher, Professor Fovell teaches courses on topics including atmospheric dynamics, thermodynamics, weather prediction and forecasting, and cloud dynamics. In 2005, he was awarded a UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award (the Harvey L. Eby Award for the Art of Teaching). He has also taken his insights to a broader audience while serving as a commentator for programs on the National Geographic Channel and the Discovery Channel.

    Outside the classroom, Professor Fovell is an active researcher. He is affiliated with UCLA's Institute of the Environment and the Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering and is a member of the American Meteorological Society, the Royal Meteorological Society, and the American Geophysical Union. He has published extensively, particularly on the subjects of squall lines and storm dynamics, and has served as an associate editor of the Monthly Weather Review.

    Available Exclusively on DVD

    This course features hundreds of visual elements, including data-based scientific animations, photographs, images, and on-screen text.

    Course Lecture Titles

    1. Nature Abhors Extremes
    2. Temperature, Pressure, and Density
    3. Atmosphereâ€"Composition and Origin
    4. Radiation and the Greenhouse Effect
    5. Sphericity, Conduction, and Convection
    6. Sea Breezes and Santa Anas
    7. An Introduction to Atmospheric Moisture
    8. Bringing Air to Saturation
    9. Clouds, Stability, and Buoyancy, Part 1
    10. Clouds, Stability, and Buoyancy, Part 2
    11. Whence and Whither the Wind, Part 1
    12. Whence and Whither the Wind, Part 2
    13. The Global Atmospheric Circulation
    14. Fronts and Extratropical Cyclones
    15. Middle Troposphereâ€"Troughs and Ridges
    16. Wind Shearâ€"Horizontal and Vertical
    17. Mountain Influences on the Atmosphere
    18. Thunderstorms, Squall Lines, and Radar
    19. Supercells, Tornadoes, and Dry Lines
    20. Ocean Influences on Weather and Climate
    21. Tropical Cyclones
    22. Light and Lightning
    23. Prediction and Predictability
    24. The Imperfect Forecast
